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IVR – First Steps

Before produce any In-Game video , there are some places and informations important to make possible you get the best results with the plugin.

Configure your recording Folder

We strongly suggest that first of all, set up a directory on your computer, with plenty of space for recording your videos.
So that the tool does not block processes in your project, the video recorder uses this disk space to exchange information between your project and the automatic recording procedures.

This directory needs to be free of lock settings so that the tool can access all files (both read and write).
Another detail that we will cover in specific tutorials is that, in order for you to obtain the highest possible performance in your real-time recordings, the Background system using the disk depends on its priority in the operating system. that is, the time your system will take to record a video Take depends on its priority in the operating system and the speed of the disk itself (we recommend using faster SSD disks).

Check the Plugin´s Objects

Another important detail to check before any recording is to certify the presence of elements used for recording such as trigger volumes and special cameras.

IVR C++ Classes

Everything you will need will be present in these classes, and to use them, just drag and drop and configure the camera parameters.

The Platform Folder

Actually the recorder uses some platform Qt libraries , and this libraries must be copied inside of Unreal Folders to make possible use it inside of the Editor, if you not do that, you will receive an error requesting installation verification and not run the simulation properly, since the system cannot be initiated.

After install the plugin properly, Go to the folder:
C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_4.27\Engine\Plugins\Marketplace\IVRCameraMan\Binaries\ThirdParty\IVRLowLevelSDK\Win64

Inside of this folder exists a folder called “platforms”:

Copy this folder into the following folder:C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_4.27\Engine\Binaries\Win64

Thats it! after copy it you can use the plugin with no problem!
